REVIEW: Bears in Space
BEWARE OF BEARS (and jokes)

Klaatu ‘Bear’ ata Nikto! A Review of Bears In Space
Bears In Space – a hidden gem that most will hibernate on! Published by Broadeside Games, a space-action/shooter game in which the player has the power of a bear created by a hyper-travel incident really leaves you thinking: “HOW?!?!” and “WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT!” Its creative premise and existence leaves an odd, yet refreshing perspective on the video game industry!
Ever wanted to pimp slap a seven-year-old robot with a bear claw at its birthday party? THIS GAME HAS IT. A detective trying to solve a crime only to find out he is THE murderer? THIS GAME HAS IT. Want jokes that even the most normie sci-fi fan can enjoy? THIS GAME HAS IT. The loveable characters, bright environments, and whacky weapons create this Winnie-the-Pooh with honey effect. You cannot stop playing it, trust me, I tried getting back into normal life, but I have been slapping seven-year-olds almost every day.
Yet, with every soon-to-be masterpiece. The game does struggle with certain aspects, specifically timing with jokes and the frequency of said jokes. For example, in the “exposition tunnel.” The overall setting and timing of what is happening is too saturated that the jokes within the joke are basically left to rot. The absolute potential in some of the jokes is there, they just need to refine it.
At the end of the day, Bears In Space is a unique experience every gamer needs to try! It’s an ode to the sci-fi genre and its unorthodox risks/actions leave for such a wonderful time that I cannot help, but recommend it to anyone out there!
Bears In Space is available for purchase through the Steam and the Epic Games store.