Link Click Teases a New Threat in a Heartbreaking S2 Premiere
Link Click’s double premiere for Season 2 has broken fans’ hearts once again.

SPOILERS: Link Click Season 2 Episodes 1 and 2 “Falling” and “Night Raid,” now streaming on Crunchyroll.
Link Click is back and is, by far, one of the most anticipated series this summer. After ending Season 1 with a gripping cliffhanger, fans have been left with countless questions: did Lu Guang die? Who is the villain possessing people and what do they want with Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang?
Season 2 premiered with two exciting episodes. Although Link Click could have benefited from doing a full one-hour premiere rather than two separate episodes since Episode 2 contained many of the same scenes from Episode 1, it nevertheless has left viewers on the edges of their seats. And if they continue at this rate, it’ll become one of the best series of this season.
Lu Guang’s Premonition

Link Click‘s brief recap of the last moments of the first season’s finale added new interesting details. The perspective switches from Cheng Xiaoshi to Lu Guang. As Lu Guang lies on the sofa, blood gushing out of his stomach from a possessed Qiao Ling’s stabbing, everything takes on a static-y quality, almost like it’s glitching. Lu Guang, very peculiarly, turns into a hand-drawn illustration rather than his animated version. Suddenly, Lu Guang sees Cheng Xiaoshi dying in his arms. Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi’s confrontation look like paper cut-outs pasted into the animation and, most ominously, as Lu Guang’s consciousness fades into darkness, he repeats the words from Season 1, but adds: “If death cannot be avoided, then it might be better to face it now.”
Within a few minutes, Link Click has already raised more questions than answers. Because Lu Guang’s ability grants him with the ability of foresight, that vision of Cheng Xiaoshi dying could either mean it will happen in the future or it’s something that Lu Guang foresaw in the past that and attempted to avoid. If the latter is true, Lu Guang’s words would make sense. In trying to save Cheng Xiaoshi, Lu Guang tried to alter the “node” of death and as a result, he had to pay the price with his own life.
It’s especially interesting that, when Cheng Xiaoshi heard of Lu Guang’s “death,” his first instinct was to go back in time to save Lu Guang using Chen Bin’s photo. Season 1 Cheng Xiaoshi would have done it in a single heartbeat, but upon remembering Lu Guang’s warning, he decided to abandon it. In that instant, it was like Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang switched roles.
Season 2 of Link Click Parallels Season 1’s Tragedy

Season 1 of Link Click debuted with the death of Emma and Season 2 followed in the same footsteps by killing off a character viewers have grown to like. The effectiveness of Emma’s death came from the shock value. Consequently, Chen Bin’s death didn’t quite have the same impact. With his wife carrying his unborn baby, the premiere had already laid down the groundwork for his death.
At the same time, Chen Bin’s death was heart-wrenching in an entirely different way. Viewers didn’t get the full extent of how powerful Red Eyes was in Season 1 until maybe the finale. But seeing Chen Bin being thrown from the hospital’s rooftop, his eyes returned to normal and wide with dawning horror, and crashing on top of the car is heartbreaking and brings to the forefront of just how powerless victims like Chen Bin and Emma were. The scene is made more excruciating when tears flow out of Chen Bin’s eyes, knowing he won’t be able to see his baby.
Link Click Season 2 Introduces a Host of New Enemies

Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s time travelling abilities were revealed through little increments in Season 1. In order to activate their powers, there needed to be photos and a single clap. And it turns out Red Eyes possess much of the same powers as the time-travelling duo: they also need photo to activate their powers. But the most startling and unsettling revelation is that Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s powers can be taken away — and Red Eyes wants their powers.
Then there’s Qian Jin. Polite and fastidious but always with the certainty that he will cut anyone’s threat should they anger him, Liu Min’s brother may be the one pulling the strings. He’s a lawyer who once trained in the same police college as Chen Bin and the two continue to be very close with Qian Jin even getting called his brother. He hardly batted an eye when he killed Chen Bin, making him a dangerous foe to fight against.