Genshin Impact Releases Anime Short on YouTube

The nearly three and a half minute Genshin Impact anime short depicts touching moments between Lumine and Aether.

Lumine lying in a field in the Genshin Impact short anime

Genshin Impact has uploaded an anime short titled The Road Not Taken to its YouTube channel.

The 3:24 long clip shows Lumine and Aether lying in a field, separately, yet together. Showcasing everything they’ve gone through thus far, the film is a poignant reminder to fans of how twins were torn asunder.

Fan reactions in the comments on YouTube include, “actually sobbing. dainsleif and lumine had a different definition of companionship rather than what paimon and aether think them to be.” and “I LOVE that Mihoyo sticks to their original storyline and shows that the twins miss each other very much and the cinematic combined with the music not only shows how they are feeling, but also helps the players sympathize their longing to meet again.”

Genshin Impact fans can watch the video above or directly on YouTube.

Source: YouTube