Chainsaw Man Fan Art Depicts Power and Denji Celebrating Setsubun

Anime fan @/ryosuketarou posted Chainsaw Man fan art featuring the Hayakawa family celebrating Setsubun. In the illustration, Aki stands in the background, looking on helplessly as Power makes a mess throwing beans at a reluctant Denji, who is donning an oni, or ogre, mask.
Setsubun typically takes place every Feb. 3, marking the beginning of spring in Japan’s old calendar. It acts as a cleansing ritual, ushering in the new spring season and warding away evil spirits for the upcoming year. Setsubun celebrations include Mamemaki or the throwing of roasted soy beans out of the front door, or at someone wearing an oni mask, while saying, “Oni was soto! Fuku was uchi!” (Devil out! Fortune in!”) However, there are regional variations to the chant that carry different translations.
Chainsaw Man’s first season is available to binge on Crunchyroll.
Source: Twitter