Link Click S2 Episode 3 Pulls at Heartstrings with Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s Act
Episode 3 of Link Click takes a slower tempo, giving a heart-wrenching farewell to Chen Bin.

SPOILERS: Link Click Season 2 Episode 3 “Two Funerals,” now streaming on Crunchyroll.
Episode 3 of Link Click Season 2 is a somber one. While the first half of the episode features some wicked butt-kicking by three elderly people who, at first glance, appear unassuming and weak, the second half slows the tempo down and focuses on the aftermath of two premiere episodes. Death isn’t a novelty in the world of Link Click but the loss of Chen Bin affected everyone particularly hard.
As previously discussed in the double premiere, while both seasons began with a character’s death, Chen Bin’s impact was different from Emma’s because it invoked a gut-wrenching realization of how powerless the characters are. But it’s more than that. In Season 1, viewers never saw the aftermath of Emma’s death on her parents; in Season 2, they do with Chen Bin.
The Wedding That Never Happened

Due to the constraints of his job, Chen Bin and his wife rarely were able to spend time together. In fact, the two of them never had a proper wedding. On the day of the Chen Bin’s funeral, Chen Bin’s wife walked down the aisle, not in the traditional black but in a simple wedding dress, to meet her husband. She bursts into sobs, calling her husband a liar for breaking his promises: he has never been able to watch a movie with her from beginning to end, they don’t eat at home and he doesn’t come back home until extremely late at night.
It’s most definitely not Chen Bin’s wife’s dream wedding: her hair hangs limply over her face and her wedding bouquet consists of a few wild dandelions. Yet, despite her reprimands, when it comes down to it, she would still choose Chen Bing over everyone else. And her vowing to be Chen Bin’s wife, at his funeral, demonstrates how she still wants to be with him in this life and every life hereafter.
Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang Return to Their Roots

When it comes to their time travelling partnership, Lu Guang has three rules, one of which is to never change the events of the past. They are there to observe, complete the task and finish the job. Cheng Xiaoshi tried to save Chen Xiao’s mother and friends from a deadly earthquake. He tried to change the past and ended up inadvertently killing Emma — twice. It would be natural for Cheng Xiaoshi to try to turn back the clock and save Chen Bin here. Expected, even. Except…he doesn’t.
When Cheng Xiaoshi expressed his desire to help Chen Bin and his wife, Lu Guang didn’t question it. Without even asking, he knew exactly what Cheng Xiaoshi was trying to do: after all, those who are left behind suffer the most. Cheng Xiaoshi went back in time to offer a little bit of comfort, a little bit of peace to Chen Bin’s wife, in the form of an apology, in the form of a delicate dandelion ring.
Instead of their regular high five, Lu Guang laid his hand on Cheng Xiaoshi’s hand briefly. Chen Bin’s loss hit them both hard. While their job is to bring a little bit of relief to their clients, we rarely get to see the impact going in and out of their client’s memories have on the two of them. Although we may never see it in the series, in this little moment, as they hold hands with each other, Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang are able to extend and taking a little bit of solace from each other.